Editorial Team
Advisory Board

He is among prominent Muslim leaders in Malaysia, known to be vocal in issues related to Islam and national interest. He is currently acting as the Amir for Malaysian Muslim Solidarity (ISMA). He is also the chairman of Malaysia Turkey Arab Europe Friendship (MTAEF) Foundation, a platform for sharing between NGOs and political parties all around the Muslim World.

Scopus ID : 25824720500 & 55905228900
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4786-7982 & 0000-0002-7382-3521
He is the principal consultant fellow at the Centre for Sustainability of Ecosystem and Earth Resources, UMP. He was the Director of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) - Jeli Campus and Director of Corporate Center of UMK. He has presented and published 150 scholarly works at national and international level in the area of Chemical Engineering-related field. In 2014, he was elected as Fellow of Academy of Science Malaysia in addition to the Royal Medal awarded by His Highness Sultan of Pahang carrying the title Dato’ in 2012.

Dato’ Ts. Dr. Haji Amirudin Abdul Wahab is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CyberSecurity Malaysia, the agency that monitors e-sovereignty of the country. He has approximately 30 years of working experience in the telecom and IT sector in the Government as well as in the semi-government and private sectors. He is currently the Chairman of National ICT Standard Committee (ISCG) since Mar 2010. He is also the Chairman of Board of Governance Global Accredited Cyber Security Education or Global ACE Scheme for Malaysia Chapter since 2018 and past Head of Secretariat to the National IT Council NITC chaired by YAB PM from 2010-2012. He is currently a Board Member of Technology Park Malaysia (TPM) IT Sdn Bhd since 2016 and used to be a Board member of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDeC) and MyNIC Berhad in 2011-2012, and Computer Industry Association of Malaysia (PIKOM) Council in 2014-2015.

He attended Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin and Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London for his medical degree and practices. He was a Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at IMU Clinical Campus School of Medicine in International Medical University Seremban, Malaysia. He is currently a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Hospital Tuanku Jaafar Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

He is the 9th son of KH Imam Zarkasyi, founder of the Ponorogo Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School. He is also the Editor in Chief of ISLAMIA Magazine and director of the Institute for the Study of Islamic Thought and Civilization (INSISTS). Graduated with a PhD from the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization - International Islamic University Malaysia (ISTAC-IIUM) Malaysia 29 September 2006, he successfully defended his dissertation entitled 'Al-Ghazali's Concept of Causality' in the presence of examiners namely Prof. Dr. Osman Bakar, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Zein, Prof. Dr. Torlah, and Prof. Dr. Alparslan Acikgence, an external examiner from Turkey, who praised Hamid's study of al-Ghazali's causality theory in the study of the history of Islamic thought.

She holds a PhD from the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Her research is about Al-Imam Al-Juwayni's Concept of Knowledge Between Al-Irshad and Al-Burhan

He is presently the Professor at the Department of History, University of Malaya. His area of research covers the political history of Southeast Asia and religio-political movements in the region. He is the author of ‘America’s Encounters With Southeast Asia 1800-1900: Before The Pivot’, ‘The Discursive Construction of Southeast Asia in 19th Century Colonial-Capitalist Discourse’ and ‘Islam Embedded: The Historical Development of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party PAS: 1951-2003’.

He was a research fellow at KITLV (The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies/Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde). In 2014, he was granted Alumni Achievement Award from the School of Arts and Sciences, Western Michigan University. He earned MA (Master of Arts) degrees from the Center for Religious and Cross Cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and from the Department of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University-the United States of America in 2003 and 2005 respectively. He obtained his PhD from Utrecht University, the Netherlands in 2012. He has been a faculty member for many years in the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY).

Orcid ID: 0000-0003-3797-5568
She holds a PhD from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in Hadith Studies. She also holds a Masters in Hadith Studies from University of Jordan and a Bachelor in Usuluddin from Al-Azhar University, Egypt. She is currently the Designation Assistant Rector (Students Affair & Alumni)/ Dean, Faculty of Usuluddin, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Brunei.
Chief Editor

Scopus ID : 56818753500
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8933-1209
She is currently the Director of Hadith & Aqidah Research Institute (INHAD) of UIS. She holds a PhD in Islamic Studies and a Masters in Usuluddin, both from National University Malaysia (UKM). She also holds a Bachelor of Islamic Studies and Arabic from the Al-Azhar University, Egypt. She was one of the prominent scholars and writers about marriage and family institutions in Islam. She can be contacted at norsaleha@kuis.edu.my.
Managing Editor

She holds a PhD in Accounting from the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. Her research investigated key information sources and underlying factors for investors’ valuation of strategic alliance investments. Prior to her PhD, her Honours thesis examined the influence of accounting implementation and firms’ life cycle stage on accounting quality and economic growth. As a researcher at IRIS Institute, her current research involves applying econometric tools in strategic interdisciplinary studies. She can be contacted at adilahzafirah@iris.institute.

She holds a Masters in Policy and Management of Science and Technology from University of Malaya. Her research discussed about the intermediary roles of Public Research Institutions (PRIs) in social innovation in Malaysia's paddy industry. She also holds a Bachelor in Genomics and Molecular Genetics with minor in Sociology from Michigan State University, USA. Holding the position of Chief Researcher at IRIS Institute, her current research involves urban development and agricultural development policies. She can be contacted at hanisnoor@iris.institute.
Editorial Panel

Scopus ID : 24483332300
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-6142-859
She is a professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic & Sytems Engineering, National University Malaysia (UKM). Her area of expertise includes reflectarray antenna, multiband and wideband planar antenna and electromagnetic absorption reduction. She holds a PhD in Communication Engineering from The Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK and she was involved in a scientific research based in Antartica. She can be contacted at bahiah@ukm.edu.my.

He is currently a professor at the International Institute Od Islamic Thought And Civilisation, IIUM. He holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from University of Malaya (UM), a Master of Arts in Mass Communication from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and a Bachelor in Political Science from University of Minnesota, USA. He is a referee to journals such as the Asiapacific Media Educator, Current Sociology, Forum Komunikasi, International Sociology, and Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences. He sits on various panels, among them the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and Radio Bernama Panel of Advisor, as well as the History and Philosophy of Science Committee under the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, He has been a member of the Ministry of Higher Education’s Social Science and Humanities, and Malaysian Qualifications Framework Panels.

He holds a PhD in Quranic Studies from National University Malaysia (UKM), a Masters in the same discipline from University of Malaya (UM). He also holds a Bachelor in Syariah Islamiah from Al-Azhar University, Egypt. He is currenly a professor at the Department of Islamic Studies, UPSI. He can be contacted at azmil@fsk.upsi.edu.my.

Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8038-2034
Professor Dr Rafidah Hanim Mokhtar is a lecturer of Physiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). She graduated as a Medical Doctor from National University of Malaysia in 1997, and obtained her PhD in Health Sciences (Physiology) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2007. She has been working closely with Family Health Development Division (FHDD), Ministry of Health Malaysia where she was appointed as expert panelists in drafting the guideline for gender health issues for Health Clinics by FHDD, Ministry of Health. She was also appointed as expert panel in developing modules for sexual orientation and gender identity issues by Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM). She is also active in humanitarian and advocacy works. She is the president of the International Women's Alliance for Family Institution and Quality Education (WAFIQ), the Co-Chairman of the Malaysian Alliance Of Civil Society Organisations In The Universal Periodic Review Process (MACSA) and the vice president of Ikatan Pengamal Perubatan dan Kesihatan Muslim Malaysia (I-Medik).

Dr. Aznan Hasan is a Professor in Islamic Law and the former Head of Islamic Law Department, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM. He is currently the President of the Association of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance (ASAS), and the Deputy Chairman of Shariah Advisory Council, Securities Commission. He was a member of Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) of Bank Negara Malaysia for two terms (2006-2008, 2010-2013). Prior to joining SAC of Bank Negara Malaysia, he was the Chairman of Shariah Advisory Board, ACR Retakaful MEA, Bahrain and SEA, Malaysia. Currently, he is the Chairman of Shariah Committee, Maybank and also serves as the Chairman of Shariah Advisory Board, Barclays Capital (DIFC, Dubai), a member of Shariah Advisory Board, ABSA Islamic Bank (South Africa), FNB Bank (South Africa), European International Islamic Bank (EIIB) (London) Yasaar Limited (London), Khalij Islamic (London), Cordoba Capital (Dubai), Amanah raya Berhad, Amanah Raya Investment Bank Labuan and Employee Provident Fund (EPF). He holds a Bachelor and a Masters in Shariah from the University of al-Azhar, Egypt. He then obtained his PhD from the University of Wales, UK.

She is the incumbent Institution of the Malay Rulers Chair at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM). As a prolific writer, she has published more than 40 academic articles and chapters in books and presented more than 100 papers, and delivered hundreds of lectures at various places and government agencies. At national and state level, Dr Shamrahayu serves in various committees, which include, National Shariah Law Technical Committee, Islamic Consultative Council, Special Committee to review curriculum and History Textbooks for Secondary Schools, Steering Committee for National Human Rights Action Plan, Executive Council (EXCO) of the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation, Panel for Young Leadership Panel Thinkers, Islamic Daawah Foundation Malaysia, Member of Expert Panel Review of Apostasy Law, Islamic Religious Council of State of Pahang, Think-tank at Mufti Office, Research Fellow at the Institute of Women Studies, University Islam Malaysia and Research Fellow at the Foundation of Research for Transformation (FORT).

She is the Founder of Architecture programme for Part 1 and Part II at the Faculty of Design and Architecture, University Putra Malaysia. She is a Lecturer at the Department of Architecture and specializes in teaching History of Islamic Architecture, History of South-East Asia and Advance Studio for Part II. She has supervised postgraduate students in the area of not only architecture, but also in socio-culture, arts, urban, sustainable design and Industrialized Building System (IBS). She holds a PhD in the area of Conservation Management focusing on the Management of Cultural Property at the World Heritage Site in Malaysia from the University of Malaya, Master of Architecture degree from SCI-Arch, California, and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Texas, USA.

He has been listed as a noteworthy history professor by Marquis Who's Who and a member of the Malaysian History Society. He is one of the prominent scholars and writers in Malay History and Civilisation. He holds a PhD from University of Malaya (UM).

He is the Senior Research Fellow of Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. His main area of research includes Archeology, Archeological Sciences, Culture and Heritage. His writing and publication includes "Reconstruction of Prehistoric Environment and Human Adaptation in Cave Sitesat Belae Village, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia", "XRD and XRF Analysis of the ancient bricks from Candi Kampung Baru, Kedah", "Archaeology, Culture, and History: Concept and Potential as a Product of Heritage Tourism in Malaysia and Indonesia" and "Compositional analysis of Sungai Mas, Kuala Selinsing and Santubong glass beads".

He holds a Doctor Veterinary Medicine from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He is currently a researcher at the Integration Research and Extension division (IRED) of MPOB.

He is a former Member of Parliament for Parit Sulong, Johore (1990-2004). He holds a PhD in strategic and security studies from National University Malaysia (UKM). He was a journalist with the New Straits Time Press (1973-1982) before serving Tun Musa Hitam as his Political Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs (1982-1987). He has wide exposures in local, regional and Commonwealth politics. Currently, he focuses on political and identity security in Malaysia and their implications on the country’s state-making and nation-building processes.

Scopus ID : 56301129900
Orcid ID: 0000-
0001-5179-1648 Born in Ujung Padang, Indonesia, He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Civilization Studies, UIS. He holds a PhD and a Masters in Quranic Exegesis from the National University Malaysia (UKM). He also hold a Bachelor from Al-Azhar University, Egypt in Hadith and Its Science. He has broad experience regarding academic writing, reviewing and managing academic journal. He can be contacted at aburhamdi@kuis.edu.my
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